Category: Uncategorised

DM projects can save 5 times the spend over a 5-10 yr period

Probably the two most compelling reasons to invest time and money into a Data Management Strategy are cost reduction and better decision-making. One should not underestimate the effect that accurate data has on understanding customer behaviour, buying trends, product retention, promotional activity, financial stability…the list is endless. The initial thought process should precipitate answers to […]

Getting Buy-In for your Data Management Initiative

Even in a flourishing economic climate, it can be difficult to persuade those who hold the purse strings to allocate budget to projects that appear to have no immediate value. Furthermore, with caution in the air and organisations restricting their spending, it is even harder to convince budget holders to invest in a Data Management […]

Your Data Management System will take into account three key components

A good Data Management System will standardise the data that is input into your system(s), create a single repository for each type of data, govern both the current processes and the generation of new data and, importantly, manage the changes that these processes will bring about in the workforce. It will also take into account […]

What is the cost of not harnessing the knowledge held in data and managing it in an effective way?

Regardless of the type and size, the amount of valuable data available to any organisation will be steadily growing. It is essential, therefore, that senior management understand just how vital it is to implement and continually evolve a robust Data Management Strategy. Unfortunately, this is not always the case. Within a feeble economic climate, Data […]

Why your organisation needs a single view – Free Download

An article by Tim Franklin – who has more than 25 years’ experience working in and for complex organisations to help them deliver single views. All organisations need to comply with regulations and legislation. All organisations need to offer top-notch customer service. All organisations need to manage their products and services as efficiently as possible […]

Making Government business more accessible to SMEs – Two Years On

Two years ago, Pamela Cook, MD of Infoshare was invited by the Cabinet Office to be part of its Scrutiny Panel.  This report  “Making Government business more accessible to SMEs  – Two Years On” shows that steady progress is being made towards the Government’s 25% aspiration whilst recognising the barriers we need to tackle to […]

Data Quality process begins with business processes, not tools

We remain dismayed at some project owners who adamantly refuse to acknowledge the importance of data quality and blindly press ahead with BI projects, with the absence of a data quality initiative, regardless of the evidence pointing to the future risks. We would not necessarily agree that it is difficult to justify a sound business […]

Current Attitudes to Data Quality

This article is spot on for highlighting current attitudes to the whole data quality piece within organisations but we believe that there is a growing acceptance and, arguably, respect for the importance of data and we would argue that it is crawling up the agenda underpinning a lot of the MDM/DG projects being planned. Enterprise […]

How well is Cambridge tackling troubled families?

The Paul Stainton Bigger Breakfast Show investigates how well Cambridgeshire is tackling ‘problem families’, following the government programme launched in 2011, calling on councils to do more to help. The link takes you to the whole show, dial in to 1:06 to listen to the article.  

Information sharing – a hot topic

Information Sharing is a hot topic currently being debated across government. How safe can it be?  How can it be carried out effectively and within legislation?  What standards need to be met?  What is best practice?  There are many projects successfully exchanging data at the local and regional levels which HMG would benefit from understanding […]