Category: Uncategorized

Getting Buy-In for your Data Management Initiative

Even in a flourishing economic climate, it can be difficult to persuade those who hold the purse strings to allocate budget to projects that appear to have no immediate value. Furthermore, with caution in the air and organisations restricting their spending, it is even harder to convince budget holders to invest in a Data Management […]

Why your organisation needs a single view – Free Download

An article by Tim Franklin – who has more than 25 years’ experience working in and for complex organisations to help them deliver single views. All organisations need to comply with regulations and legislation. All organisations need to offer top-notch customer service. All organisations need to manage their products and services as efficiently as possible […]

Information sharing – a hot topic

Information Sharing is a hot topic currently being debated across government. How safe can it be?  How can it be carried out effectively and within legislation?  What standards need to be met?  What is best practice?  There are many projects successfully exchanging data at the local and regional levels which HMG would benefit from understanding […]

Maude announces new £8 million investment in open data

A great initiative by Francis Maude for encouraging a more open and transparent data centric public sector whilst continuing his SME support…. “The Cabinet Office has today announced a new investment of £8 million to help public bodies release data. Announced by Cabinet Office Minister Francis Maude and Business and Skills Minister Matthew Hancock, the […]

Corporate data culture

“Data becomes central to innovation and to all decision making, fuelling growth and making the organisation’s operations more efficient.” We couldn’t have said it better ourselves.  Read this article on:

Fighting fraud locally – register for our webinar on the 6th December

Organisations around the UK have found that by investing less than £1OOK, they have been able to identify fraudulent activity to the tune of over £2 million. These organisations in both the private and public sector have applied a strong data quality process to their in-house data and they were able to claim success in […]

Website Launch

We are delighted to announce the launch of our new website which will be used to focus on establishing closer relationships with existing and potential customers.  The new site has been redesigned with a fresh new look and streamlined site navigation making it more intuitive and user-friendly.  We worked hard to find a unique way […]